Once you have created a customer login and password, the webmaster will apply the special 5% discount on all products. You will be notified by email when this is done. After you are notified, the price on every product will display your discount once you login. In addition to the discount, here are some other features available:
You will be able to create and manage the wish list and gift registry features. It will allow you to create your own list of items in your account which can be purchased at a later date pending availability. It also allows for the creation of lists which can be sent to friends and family for occasions such as birthdays, weddings etc. so they can purchase the items which the list owner has requested.
Order Management will allow you to view order ID, date, status, and details of past and current orders.
The Address Management allows you to add, edit, or delete address information.
You can also update Account Details and change password.
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